Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Its a Dotty Business

I have a problem with dots. Yes, its a kink. I cannot see too many of them together, specially if they are swollen or embossed on any surface. Aaargh!

So, I have this new look to my blog. I am going to get over my 'dot phobia'. There can be only 2 outcomes. Either there will hightened writing activity, in which case I will urge the readers of this blog to punch in their comments on the quality of writing. It might suffer tremendously, considering the current level of scholastic brilliance I bring in. What a loss it will be to all you (3) readers! OR, I will just disappear into thin air (off the blog I mean) only to reappear with the old look.

So let's wait and watch.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Get Going

While switching channels this lazy Sunday morning, I stopped to hear a voice on a Business channel say '30s is the new 20s'. Now, I am still only approaching the 30s, still a couple of years to go, but it made me sit up and think.
The dilemmas hit me again - where am I, what am I doing, where do I want to go from here yadayadayada...
I think the time has come when I need to get out. Get out of this mundane existence and do the things I have wanted. Enough of waiting, enough of pandering to everyone's whims, enough of just 'being'. It is time for some action. I am hoping putting it up on this blog will retain the rush and urgency I am feeling now, to actually get started.
The worst thing is to know you have the capability to do something and just sit idle not doing it, not getting after it. I have got to take the risk. I have always followed and persevered to get what I want. Maybe I should have seen this day much earlier, or perhaps not. No time is lost. I have come this far in life and I am happy I have experienced all that I have. I feel the drive to take this plunge in full swing only now! And I am bloody well going to do it!
So, is it going to be a new job? Yes. Same industry? Maybe. A hidden dream? Definitely.
There are some things I know will take time to achieve, and some smaller things I know I CAN do right away. Little things that will make me very happy. You will see, you will hear :-)
Before I move from one family to the 'other', while my parents try hard fixing me up, I need the transition phase to be spent with just myself. No commitments to nobody. Before I take on 'that' role, there are some things I need to get done to feel good about myself.
I am not even there yet, but I tell you, when you decide you're going to - the feeling is incredible. I hope I can write about what I did actually end up doing and feel all great about it, very very soon.
Cheers to all those who didn't even realise they played a huge role in getting me started onto this. Hope everyone does what they really want to, and find it in themselves soon enough to get going.
Love and peace...